Our team can can thoroughly evaluate your residential wastewater, and water supply, and structural issues.
Why Call Drury Property Services?
We want to be the first name that comes to mind when you are deciding who to reach out to for help on all of your structural and onsite wastewater treatment (septic) system issues. And we understand for that to be the case we need to stand out from the crowd.
So, how do we do that? First, we assemble the best team. From our principal engineer, who brings his years of forensic and structural engineering, to our lead inspector, who brings the attention to detail and work ethic of a USMC combat veteran, everyone on our team makes us stronger. Next, we make sure to stay up to date on the latest research, trends, and technology that affects our markets. We don’t just call ourselves experts; WE MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE EXPERTS!
So, if you want to deal with the best in the industry, then look no further. We not only want to make sure that we provide the best service around, we also want to make sure you walk away more informed and comfortable with your property. The next time you have a structural or wastewater issue your first call should be DRURY PROPERTY SERVICES: Your local source for engineering and inspections.